That's our promise.
You can book a taxi from Varanasi to Ayodhya and visit different temples and tourist destinations in one of the holiest cities of India. By booking a cab, you can enjoy a blissful journey full of scenic views and save money as well. If you are in Varanasi and planning to visit Ayodhya, you can book one-way taxi services from Varanasi to Ayodhya and you won’t have to worry about the Varanasi to Ayodhya taxi fare as well as it is budget-friendly.
Distance Covered
The distance between Varanasi and Ayodhya is around 219 km through NH731 and NH 330. The time taken to cover the distance depends on the number of stoppages and other factors. The average time to cover this distance is around 4.5 hours.
Cab Fare
The Varanasi to Ayodhya taxi fare, if booked with MyTripWale is ₹3,325. This is much cheaper than what you usually pay for other taxi services.
Online Booking
To book a taxi from Varanasi to Ayodhya, you will simply have to visit the official website of MyTripWale. Fill in all the necessary details like your destination and departure date, choose the available options, and click on the ‘Book’ button. After that, you will just have to make the payment. You can also get in touch with the customer representative to know more about the price and details of the booking.
Top Rated Cabs & Chauffeurs
Includes Toll, State Tax & GST
Top Rated Cabs & Chauffeurs
Includes Toll, State Tax & GST
Top Rated Cabs & Chauffeurs
Includes Toll, State Tax & GST
Top Rated Cabs & Chauffeurs
Includes Toll, State Tax & GST
Your right to Know!